My Onboarding
What does 'onboarding' mean?
Onboarding is the systematic (re)integration of employees into the company: from the decision to hire to the end of the probationary period or the induction period. This includes the provision of relevant information and necessary equipment components (initial organization) as well as social integration and individual professional preparation for the job (induction).
An overview of onboarding events
Your onboarding includes various events in the first few weeks. You can find out more about the individual events below.
Your first day
On your first day, you may take some time to sign your contracts and have your photos taken for your staff ID. We will then hand over your IT equipment, IT username and password, your staff ID, staff ID holder, and MPF forms. After that, have a look at the ‘Working at Lidl Asia’ section of the website as well as the organization chart and seating plan (on the Intranet) to get information for getting around, complete the to-do’s, and familiarise yourself with the department, team, structure, etc.
New Joiner Orientation
This full-day event will be held once a month and new colleagues joining at that month will participate. Contents: welcome, information about the company, working at Lidl Asia, etc.
Department overview
The operation at Lidl Asia are divided into several departments. In the department overview, the individual departments of Lidl Asia will be presented in more detail.