Our actions are guided by our corporate principle ‘We comply with applicable laws and internal guidelines’. This means having a strong compliance management system in place to prevent non-compliance and implement measures to mitigate potential risks.
Our Legal & Compliance Department is responsible for detecting, preventing and addressing potential breaches of applicable laws and internal guidelines and policies. Their responsibilities include preventing, deterring and detecting fraud, bribery and other corrupt business practices. We prohibit offers or payments of bribes, kickbacks, or other inappropriate gifts to win or retain business or influence any business decisions and have strict internal policies regulating the exchange of advantages between us and external parties. Our colleagues, contractors and business partners are prohibited from offering, providing, or accepting benefits either directly or indirectly with a view of obtaining or retaining business or to gain an improper business advantage.
Furthermore, we have stringent internal requirements in place to ensure potential business partners are vetted in accordance with our internal due diligence requirements and legal obligations. This ensures that we enter into relationships with business partners who meet our commercial and ethical requirements.
Finally, we also encourage an open and honest culture and ask our colleagues, business partners and related third parties to speak up and report any potential compliance breaches.
Fraud, Corruption and Bribery Prevention
We are committed to safeguarding high legal, ethical and moral standards. We are equally committed to preventing, deterring and detecting fraud, bribery and all other corrupt business practices. As losses due to fraud, bribery and other corrupt business practices can be more than just financial in nature – they can potentially damage our company reputation as well. In this regard, we adopt a zero-tolerance approach towards any such behavior.
Our primary objective therefore is to create awareness of the potential risks in relation to, and the need to prevent fraud, bribery and other corrupt business practices in all areas of our business
We believe that the implementation of effective fraud, corruption and bribery prevention measures is an integral part of modern and efficient management and is a key driver in achieving success in our business objectives. We conduct our activities with the aim of achieving our policy goals by:
- Creating awareness of our corporate values within all levels of the organization;
- Having in place the necessary organizational structure, arrangements and resources to prevent and investigate any activities relating to fraud, corruption or bribery;
- Ensuring that all relevant staff have received adequate training;
- Having in place clear guidance on conduct requirements with our business partners;
- Having in place various means for staff and business partners to report any concerns that they may have regarding activities related to fraud, corruption and bribery (and if need be, anonymously); and
- Having in place a formal compliance and audit function to assist in the detection, investigation, and prevention of fraud, corruption and bribery.
All our colleagues, contractors, business partners and other related third parties, can be assured that any reporting of reasonably held suspicions of fraud, corruption or bribery will be dealt with in absolute confidentiality, and will at no time be held against them.
Internally, colleagues may report suspected compliance breaches to their line manager, the Chief Compliance Officer or via the whistleblowing arrangements in the section below.
Externally, business partners and other related third parties may report suspected compliance breaches via the whistleblowing arrangements in the section below.
Means of reporting compliance breaches
One of our company’s core principle states that "We comply with applicable laws and internal guidelines".
Compliance is an essential component of the continued success of our company, and we would like you to know that you can confide in us.
As a responsible company, it is of the greatest importance to us to be able to identify and counteract potential misconduct as early as possible.
Members of the public, employees and business partners are especially invited to raise serious concerns relating to fraud, corruption, bribery, theft or suspected breaches of laws, regulations and our company policies to us. Reports can be made online, by email, telephone or post – via the following means:
1. Chief Compliance Officer of Lidl
Telephone: +852 3840 4830 / +65 6839 1691
Postal Address: Lidl & Kaufland Asia Pte. Limited
Legal & Compliance Department
Attn: Chief Compliance Officer
Level 15, Airside,
2 Concorde Road,
Kai Tak, Kowloon
Hong Kong
2. Confidential online reporting system (BKMS)
Website: Link
3. Confidential reporting system (IntegrityCounts)
Hotline: Click here for a toll-free hotline number
Regardless of the method you choose to raise your concern, you can remain anonymous if you wish.
These whistleblowing arrangements have been set up solely for the purpose of raising concerns about possible incidents of non-compliance with laws, regulations and internal company guidelines and policies; please note that other matters cannot be dealt with via these whistleblowing arrangements.