Sustainability at Lidl & Kaufland Asia

Sustainability Strategy
Lidl & Kaufland Asia "For a better tomorrow"
We actively promote sustainability along the entire value chain and assume responsibility wherever our actions have an impact on people and the environment.
In line with the group sustainability strategy, we consistently implement this and develop it further on an ongoing basis. We make sustainability an integral part of our actions and pursue measurable goals. This is how we secure our future.
- Greening our process, product and mindset
- Creating a transparent and compliant supply chain
- Offering a sustainable assortment design
Our Standards And Reports
Code of Conduct
The companies of Schwarz Group, which include the retail divisions Lidl and Kaufland, Schwarz Produktion, the environmental division PreZero, Schwarz Dienstleistung, Schwarz IT, Schwarz Digital and other Schwarz companies, consider social and environmental sustainability to be of great importance. They are aware of their responsibility throughout the supply chain, in particular their responsibility to respect human rights and comply with social and environmental standards.
This Business Partner Code of Conduct sets out the basic principles governing the cooperation with business partners and describes what the divisions of Schwarz Group expect of their business partners in terms of human rights and environmental issues.
The principles outlined in this Code of Conduct act as minimum standards for our business relationships.
Sustainability Report
This sustainability report for Fiscal Year 2023 details our sustainability strategy, progress against our targets, and the ongoing management of sustainability in L&K Asia.
Partners & Awards
Explore Our Partnerships & Collaborations
We forge partnerships and collaborate with organisations that shares our vision of a better tomorrow and can help us in driving sustainability and responsibility across our supply chain.