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Our Principles and Values

Fair Company

Our corporate principles

To ensure success, Lidl has principles and values that guide our daily work. 
  • Our actions are shaped by customer satisfaction.
  • Our market position is determined by a superior price/performance ratio.
  • We continue to grow through expansion and through constant improvement in our branches.
  • As a company with branches, we work with a system.
  • Short decision-making paths and simple work processes ensure success.
  • We comply with applicable law and internal guidelines.
  • We assume economic, social, and ecological responsibility in our daily activities.
  • Fairness is a requirement towards everyone in the company.
  • We respect and encourage each other.
  • Agreements are kept in a climate of trust.
  • Praise, recognition, and the ability to criticize should determine our working atmosphere in our daily work.
  • We surround ourselves with 'strong' employees - representation in each area is guaranteed.


Our leadership principles

Lidl Asia Pte Limited, Hong Kong, Singapore, Food and Retail, Sourcing, Production, Product Development, Quality, Compliance, Sustainability, Merchandising, Logistics, Cross-Functional, Administration, Careers, Social Responsibility, Textile, Soft Goods, Hard Goods, Partnership

Lead through communication

We believe in open communication. Our managers share our vision and work to create an inclusive culture where every person on our teams understands their role, value and contribution, and is involved in decisions. We welcome questions from our teams and see these as an important part of our communication process.

Develop employees

We strive to attract and retain the best talent. To make sure everyone performs at their best, we continue to invest in their development, and embark on constructive performance reviews. We have an environment where commitment and hard work is recognised, and individuals feel inspired to give their best every day.

Stay efficient and dynamic

We are motivated to maintain momentum and continuously improve how we work. We value innovation and encourage it across our business. We pride ourselves on having proven structures across our international offices, while also remaining flexible and able to adapt to local culture and ways of working.

Build trust and act fairly

Trust is paramount within our teams and in how we work with our suppliers. We want our teams to be courageous, and we give them the space they need to explore new opportunities, grow and learn from mistakes. Recognising that trust works both ways, we stand by our values and honor our principles.

Take responsibility and be a role model

It is not just our managers who are passionate about leading by example, taking responsibility and makings independent decisions. It is up to every team member at Lidl to embody our leadership principles. We offer our teams the freedom to work to their own rhythms within a robust and effective leadership framework, and we model best practices at every opportunity.

Our values

Our responsibility

As an international trading company, the principle of responsible corporate management applies to Lidl.

The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) department coordinates and manages sustainability commitments. CSR @ Lidl therefore means actively shaping responsibility for the environment and society.

With the so-called CSR self-image, a company-wide framework for action was developed for Lidl, which shows the reason, direction, and intensity of the sustainability commitment. To achieve the greatest possible effect, five central areas of action have been defined in which Lidl wants to develop its design options.









                           Business partner


You can find out what we are doing specifically within these fields of action here <link>